jueves, 24 de enero de 2008

Ventes Privées

Ventes privées, Is the face of a new place to buy!!
The way it works is you have to subscribe in the site and the will send the invitation for the sells (ventes). What is good is that you can buy from your house or a work anywhere that you have a computer and at prices of discount. Big economies, with discount of 50% to 70%. It has limited time to buy between 2 or 3 days. And they send it to your house.
Why discount? because the marks (channel, gucci, diesel, etc...) put the products of the last seasons at prices of discount, so they don't loose those products. Or better said they win money for the stocks that is old to be in the stores and stay in the stockage.
Who are the winner? The 3 parts, the buyers, because the get good opportunitys to buy good stuffs and discount prices. The intermediares, beacuse is a business with the so much expenses and good revenues. And the marks because is they don't loose the products.
It begging with ventes prives for the women pret a porter and now you can find for all kind of products. What it shows that is a succesful e-business.

sábado, 12 de enero de 2008


The freemium business model works by offering basic services for free, while charging a premium for advanced or special features. Created by combining the two aspects of the business model: free + premium.

Is important in this business model to get a a good referral network.

An example is wikipedia, linkin.

Another example that begins as a freemium is.

http://www.yousendit.com/, which I found wonderfull. If you need to send files very heavy to another company and fast you have to use this business. Is free until 100 MB and the persons you send could see it until 7 days. If you want to send more until 2GB and have a stockage of 20GB it cost you 99Usd per month.

It could be use for indivuduals (free) business and corporates. They kind of business that uses it are kelly moore paint, Iris, Parson School, studio drummer, among others. They sent music, catalogs, videos, graphics, photos.

jueves, 10 de enero de 2008


Easy-Business: discount business, affordable & fun, mass.
Opposite to Virgin, luxe, comfort.
In this kind of business is important to anticipate demand and maximizing pricing.
Example: Easy-jet, for this company is to get the most revenue out of every flight, so no paper works by internet, no free meal.
Easy-cruise: is cabin in a cruise with out window. So is a market for the mass that could not afford the prices and would like to have it anyway.
Good things: they get to the population so for them the important is not quality is quantity.

The key of sucess is to send a lot of people to the website.

E-business models:
Brokerage, merchant infomediary, advertising, manufacturer, affiliate, comunity, subscription, utility.

you send it: is a example of e-business, they get money from the publicite and also by the subscription.